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Hazleton city

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About Hazleton city

Browdy, Jolene, Code Enforcement  jbrowdy@cityofhazleton.org

Cusat, Jeffrey, Mayor  jcusat@cityofhazleton.org

Javier, Sheila, Code Enforcement  sjavier@cityofhazleton.org

Keegan, Allison, Human Resources  akeegan@cityofhazleton.org

Lynch, Dan, Director of Administration  dlynch@cityofhazleton.org

Matenkoski, Eileen, Council Clerk Office  ematenkoski@cityofhazleton.org

Medina, Jessica, Administration  jmedina@cityofhazleton.org

Melo, Jose, Code Enforcement  jmelo@cityofhazleton.org

Morel, Anny, Code Enforcement  amorel@cityofhazleton.org

Nocchi, Tino, Building Inspector  tnocchi@cityofhazleton.org

Pedri, Charles, Director of Code Enforcement  cpedri@cityofhazleton.org

Perna, Gary, Mayor’s Office   gperna@cityofhazleton.org

Shema, Lisa, Accounts Payable Clerk Office  lshema@cityofhazleton.org

Spaniel, Angela, Payroll  aspanial@cityofhazleton.org

Spishock, Tom, Maintenance  tspishock@cityofhazleton.org

Wufsus, Alan, Engineering  awufsus@cityofhazleton.org

Zeller, Joseph, Community Development  jzeller@cityofhazleton.org